Don’t overlook Thanksgiving this year. Be Thankful

Give Thanks This Thanksgiving

It’s a sad thing that so many are in such a rush to celebrate Christmas that Thanksgiving sometimes gets overlooked.  With Black Friday starting on Thanksgiving Day, we need to take a moment to reflect. When most of us think of Thanksgiving, we think of turkey, football, parades, traditions… Thanksgiving is a wonderful occasion to give special thanks to loved ones, your community and for everything you’ve been given throughout the year.  It’s a time to be grateful for one’s health, family, friends, job, home and having food on the table.
Today is the day we say “thanks.

Here are ways to give thanks this Thanksgiving:


Our communities give us so much. A great way to give thanks for a great community is to volunteer. Spend some time working at the local shelters, food kitchens or reading to children in the local library. To volunteer at Until There’s A Cure at (650) 332-3200 or call your local AIDS organization.

 Virtual Volunteer

The Until There’s A Cure Virtual Volunteer Program gives our supporters the opportunity to actively help us reach our goal of eradicating HIV/AIDS by raising funds and awareness for the epidemic. The goal of the Program is mobilize our supporters on the individual level to maximize our collective impact on the global fight against HIV/AIDS. By leveraging social networking platforms and taking action in our individual communities, we can join our efforts as ONE COMMUNITY to end HIV/AIDS.By signing up as a Virtual Volunteer, you are signing up to volunteer the time and efforts that you can afford within your schedule. With this Program, you have no obligation to Until There’s A Cure.

Donate to a Charity

Are you thankful for your job this year, then why not give thanks by giving back? Make a donation to Until There’s A Cure Foundation  Giving back is one of the greatest feelings in the world.

Become an Advocate for a Cause

HIV/AIDS is increasing in every region in the world, including the U.S.  It will soon become the third leading cause of death in the world after heart disease and stroke.  Yet it is a preventable disease. Break the silence — Challenge ignorance and prejudice.  Wear a red ribbon.  Speak out or educate others.  Don’t be afraid to talk about AIDS!

Let us help you help others

Buy The Bracelet, a gift that truly gives twice, from Until There’s A Cure Foundation ( Bracelet revenues are directed to care and service organizations, prevention education programs, or vaccine development projects in the U.S. and around the world.

Don’t overlook Thanksgiving this year.  Be thankful

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